IGF 2023 Parliamentary Track


Tomoko Ukishima

Chair, Standing Committee on Economy, Trade and Industry, House of Representatives

Prima ballerina, Hong Kong Royal Ballet (1984)
Prima ballerina, Dayton Ballet, USA (1995)
Opened "TOMOKO Cultural School" in Hong Kong and Singapore (1988)
Established the theatre company Yume (Dream) Circus Musical Troupe in Kobe (1998)
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2008)
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Environment;
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office (2013)
State Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology;
State Minister of Cabinet Office (2018)
Vice Chair, Komeito Policy Research Council
Director, Komeito Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Division
Chair, Komeito Council for the Promotion of Culture and Arts
Director, Komeito Cultural and Artistic Affairs Bureau
Vice Chair, Komeito Central Discipline Committee
Vice Chair, Komeito Women's Committee
Chair, Standing Committee on Economy, Trade and Industry, House of Representatives (2016)